corporate training technologies

Role of Technology in Training Corporate Employees – The Ultimate Guide to Empowerment!

Hey there, readers!!

Life in the last decade has been all different.

And it isn’t any different for corporates.

Modern business operations demand corporates train their employees.

Companies are striving to stay competitive and meet the demands of their customers.

And companies that fail to do this disappear.

A company should provide employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks.

According to a study by Global Industry Analysts, by the end of 2024, the global corporate training market is anticipated to reach $406 billion.

It doesn’t stop there.

To become a leading company in the market, adapting to new technologies is a must.

A well-trained workforce is productive, reduces employee turnover, and increases customer satisfaction.

This blog takes you through the impact of technology on corporate training, challenges faced in implementing technology, how a company can successfully implement technology, and much more.

Let’s get started!

How Advanced are Technologies Getting in Corporate Training?

Almost everyone has a smartphone these days.

That’s how technological advancements have reduced the necessity for a physical trainer.

Now, this trend has entered the corporate world.

E-learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and online training programs have made corporate training easier.

Training is much more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective with the advent of technology.

Personalized training content and remote training have made training more like a fun activity.

Companies that follow this are enjoying improved performance and productivity.

Training employees regardless of their location or time constraints aren’t a dream these days, it’s reality.

Learners have the access to content on the go through Mobile learning and microlearning.

Have a look at this comparison chart for clarity.

Traditional TrainingModern Training
Classroom trainingOnline training
Physical InstructorSelf-paced program
Limited access to training materialsUnlimited access to training materials
Fixed schedule and locationFlexible time and location
No customized training optionsPersonalized training based on individual needs and learning styles
Limited engagement and motivationIncreased engagement and motivation
Limited knowledge retentionMicrolearning and mobile learning for improved knowledge retention.

I know you’re curious now to know the types of technology used in modern corporate training.

This Section Will Take You Through the Available Technologies

Heard of Learning Management Systems (LMS) Before?

  • LMS is a software application that helps companies to manage, deliver, and track training programs and courses.
  • LMS are often used by companies to provide training to their employees and stakeholders.

Let’s look at the Side-By-Side View of LMS Features and How they Benefit Corporates

Course content managementCentralized platform to create, manage and deliver courses.
Easy to update and change course content.
Student enrollmentEasy enrollment process for learners.
Tracking and reporting student progressLearning progress and performance can be tracked.
Areas of strength and weakness can be identified in training programs.
Ability to adjust training programs based on learner needs.
Accurate reporting to measure the effectiveness of training programs.
Assessment toolsAbility to create and monitor assessments and quizzes.
Streamlined grading and feedback process.
Communication toolsStreamlined communication with learners and trainers within the LMS.
Centralized platform to share announcements and updates.

Some Popular Examples of Corporate Training LMS are:

  • Zoho LMS
  • SAP Litmos
  • Moodle
  • Blackboard
  • Cornerstone
  • Adobe Captivate Prime

Here Comes the Magical World of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Virtual Reality (VR) immerses users in an interactive simulated environment through a headset and VR glasses.
  • This technology can create an artificial world allowing realistic simulations of real-world scenarios.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) shows virtual objects, text, or other information in real-world environments through a camera device like a smartphone.
  • This is usually done with a camera device like a smartphone, to enhance the user’s experience and provides more context.

How Exactly Do these Both Differ?

Virtual RealityAugmented Reality
Creates a fully simulated, immersive worldShows digital information/elements onto the real world
Requires a headset or other deviceAccessed through a camera-equipped device
Often used for training in high-risk scenariosOften used for training in real-world scenarios
Complete control over the environmentWorks in tandem with real-world environments
Highly immersiveOnly enhances the user’s experience
Costly to implementOften less expensive than VR
Requires specialized hardware and softwareCan be accessed through everyday devices like smartphones and tablets

What are a Few Examples Scenarios of VR and AR in Corporate Training you Ask?

VR and AR help corporate training for a wide range of purposes. To name a few:

  • Simulations of high-risk or dangerous scenarios.
  • Remote training and collaboration.
  • Interactive learning experiences.
  • Simulate emergency scenarios without putting themselves or others in real danger.

Here Comes the Side-By-Side View of VR and AR Features and How They Benefit Corporates.

Immersive simulationsProvides realistic training scenarios without putting employees in real danger
Interactive learning Increases engagement and retention of information
Remote training and collaborationAllows for training and collaboration from anywhere, reducing travel costs and increasing accessibility
Personalized training Adaptable training programs to individual needs and preferences, providing a more effective learning experience
Real-time performance trackingProvides accurate and timely feedback on employee performance, allowing for adjustments to training programs as needed

Which Pioneers Give these Services Corporate Training?

Let’s see.

  • Zoho ShowTime VR-enabled remote training and collaboration platform.
  • Walmart VR training for customer service and emergency scenarios.
  • Airbus AR for aircraft maintenance training.
  • Scope AR for Industrial Training, maintenance, and repair.

Gamification in Corporate Training, you Heard that Right!!

  • Gamification is the use of fun game elements in something that isn’t a game. In our example, it’s corporate training.

Time for the Features and Benefits.

Points, badges, and leaderboardsBrings the competitive spirit and motivation
Rewards and incentivesEncourages employees to complete tasks and achieve goals
Progress trackingHelps employees track their progress to stay informed and motivated
Immediate feedbackProvides instant feedback on performance

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training

  • Deloitte’s Leadership Academy gamification teaches leadership skills.
  • Zoho Gamification for Sales productivity.
  • IBM’s Innov8 gamified simulation helps employees understand and improve their business processes.
  • Even McDonald’s used gamification to train employees on the new “build your own burger” process.

Mobile Learning!!

  • Mobile learning (mLearning) is learning through mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, etc.

Features and Benefits of Mobile Learning in Corporate Training.

FlexibilityCan access training materials from any place and time
Bite-sized contentAllows employees to consume information in small, digestible chunks
PersonalizationAllows employees to customize their learning experience to fit their needs
CollaborationEnables employees to connect with other employees

How is Mobile Learning Used in Corporate Training?

  • Onboarding
  • Compliance Training
  • Product Training
  • Soft skills development.

Mobile Learning Frontiers in Corporate Training:

  • Starbucks Anywhere 
  • GE Healthcare’s “Pocket Guide” 
  • Google’s “Grasshopper”.
  • Walmart provides soft skills training to its employees through mLearning.

What Does Future Corporate Training look Like?

The future of corporate training is likely to be heavily influenced by technology and digital transformation. With the rise of remote work and the need for flexible, on-demand learning, there will be an increased focus on e-learning platforms and mobile learning solutions. Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on personalized learning experiences, with training programs tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each employee. Gamification and immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality are also likely to play a larger role in corporate training, providing engaging and interactive learning experiences. Finally, there will be a greater focus on soft skills training, as companies recognize the importance of emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration in the workplace.

Future Trends in Corporate Training with Technology

Extended Reality (XR) technologies – A combination of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality for a surreal experience.

Chatbots and virtual assistants – Employees can enjoy a digital partner’s help.

Machine learning – Create and optimize personalized programs according to individual needs.

Collaborative learning – Using social media and online communities for knowledge sharing.

Interactive content – Interactive videos, podcasts, and simulations for better engagement.

Now, Let’s Come to the Hot Topic of the Last 2 Years: Artificial Intelligence.

How Does it Impact Corporate Training?

Technology has had a significant impact on corporate training, transforming the way that employees learn and develop their skills. Firstly, technology has made training more accessible and flexible, with e-learning platforms and mobile learning solutions allowing employees to learn on-the-go and at their own pace. Secondly, technology has made training more engaging and interactive, with gamification and immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality providing a more immersive and enjoyable learning experience. Additionally, technology has made training more personalized, with training programs tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each employee. Finally, technology has made training more data-driven, with the ability to track employee progress and measure the effectiveness of training programs through analytics and reporting.

Assessment and Feedback

  • AI can provide automate the assessment and feedback processes involved in corporate training.
  • Employees can track their performance, using this feedback to enhance their learning experience.

Personalized Learning Paths

  • AI algorithms can create personalized learning programs for your employees.
  • Based on the strengths, weaknesses, and preferences of individual employees, AI can provide customized training programs.

Predictive Analytics

  • AI can use predictive modeling to identify skill gaps and training needs.
  • This can help your company to develop its employees’ skills and achieve their goals.

Performance Support

  • AI can use learner data to provide personalized performance support.
  • Job aids or performance support tools can help learners apply their new skills on the job.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • NLP is a gift to enhance employees’ learning experience. Wonder what it is?
  • AI can use NLP to provide learner support.
  • So, answering questions or receiving feedback, is now more interactive and engaging.

What are the Challenges Corporates Face When Implementing Technology in Corporate Training?

The implementation of technology in corporate training has become increasingly popular over the years due to its ability to provide a more personalized and efficient learning experience. However, despite its benefits, there are still several challenges that corporates face when implementing technology in their training programs. One of the major challenges is the cost associated with implementing and maintaining technology infrastructure. Additionally, there may be resistance from employees who are not comfortable with using technology or who prefer traditional training methods. Furthermore, there may be issues with the quality of content provided through the technology, as well as issues with data privacy and security. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, effective communication, and a willingness to adapt to new technologies and methods of training.

Resisting Change

  •  Many employees don’t want to change due to unfamiliarity with the technology and fear of change.
  • Companies should first educate the importance of adapting to change is for his/her career.

Cost Constraints

  • Smaller companies, sometimes even the bigger ones, may have budget limitations to adapt to new technology.

Lack of Knowledge

  • Some employees may find it difficult to use the technology. This leads to frustration and affects engagement.

Limited Access and Unavailability

  • Some employees may not have access to the necessary technology.
  • For example, a lack of computers or high-speed internet can hinder their participation in training. 
  • Or even the unavailability of technology at times, can also be demotivating for a company.

Strategies for Successful Implementation of Technology in Corporate Training

To successfully implement technology in corporate training, it is important to have a clear plan and strategy. Firstly, it is important to identify the specific needs and goals of the training program and determine how technology can best be used to achieve these objectives. Secondly, it is important to provide adequate training and support to employees who will be using the technology, in order to ensure that they are comfortable with the new tools and can use them effectively. Additionally, it is important to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the technology and make necessary adjustments to ensure that it is meeting the needs of the training program.

Identifying Needs

  • Companies should assess every employee’s strengths and weaknesses to determine the most effective training methods.

The Right Technology

  • Instead of focusing on the cheaper or the most luxurious technology, companies should choose the technology that meets the needs of their employees.

Ease of Use

  • It is important for the technology to be user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Technical Support and Training

  • Companies should provide enough support and training to employees to help them use the technology to its fullest.

Best Practices for Designing Effective Corporate Training with Technology

Designing effective corporate training with technology requires careful planning and attention to detail. Firstly, it is important to identify the specific learning objectives and goals of the training program and determine how technology can best be used to achieve these objectives.

Show Variety in Training Methods

  • Use a mix of videos, interactive quizzes, and discussions to keep employees engaged.

Use Interactive Elements

  • Include interactive elements such as simulations and games to increase engagement and retention.

Relevance and Practicality

  • Ensure that the training is relevant to the employees’ jobs and provides practical skills that can be used in their work.


  • Provide regular feedback and solidify the training through follow-up activities and assessments.

Forging Ahead

Technology in modern corporate training isn’t going anywhere.

With the right strategies and best practices, technology-assisted training programs are the way to success.

The future of corporate training will likely continue to rely on technology. That’s kind of a no-brainer.

And companies that adopt new technology will have the upper hand.

In this Blog, We Spoke a Lot. Let’s Just Have a Small Recap Now:

  • Technological Advancements in Corporate Training
  • Types of Technology Used in Corporate Training
  • Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Gamification in Corporate Training
  • Mobile Learning in Corporate Training
  • The Future of Corporate Training with Technology
  • Challenges in Implementing Technology in Corporate raining
  • Strategies for Successful Implementation of Technology in Corporate Training
  • Best Practices for Designing Effective Corporate Training with Technology

In conclusion, the role of technology in corporate training cannot be overstated. With the latest trends and advancements, companies can now offer their employees more engaging and effective training programs. At Techworks Talent, we as a corporate training company understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve when it comes to corporate training. Our team of experts can help your organization design and implement customized training solutions that leverage the latest technologies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company achieve its training goals and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment.

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Technical Corporate Training 


What are the benefits of incorporating technology in corporate training?

E-learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and online training programs have made corporate training much more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective with the advent of technology. Personalized training content and remote training have made training more engaging and motivating

What are some examples of technology used in corporate training?

Learning Management Systems (LMS), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Gamification, and Mobile Learning are some of the technologies used in corporate training.

What are the challenges of implementing technology in corporate training?

Resisting Change, Cost constraints, Lack of knowledge, and Limited access and unavailability are a few of the challenges faced in corporate training.

How can organizations ensure the successful implementation of technology in their training programs?

To ensure the successful implementation of technology in corporate training, companies must consider their needs, the right technology for their programs, ease of use, and by providing technical support and training.

What are some best practices for designing effective corporate training with technology?

Some best practices for designing effective corporate training with technology are by showing a variety in training methods, using interactive elements, maintaining relevance and practicality, and providing regular feedback

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