what is crm integration

What is CRM Integration – The Only Guide You Need

CRM integration is the process of connecting a CRM with your existing software and tools.

A CRM should integrate with your website, e-commerce platform, email marketing software, and all other systems that your business relies on. 

The cost of CRM integration depends on several factors such as the organisation’s size, the integration’s complexity, and the type of CRM system used. 

Custom integration can be expensive, while ongoing maintenance costs should also be considered. 

Despite this, integrating CRM with other systems and applications can lead to improved productivity and customer satisfaction.

Why is CRM integration important?

With CRM integration, you can merge customer data from many sources, such as your website, social media, and email marketing campaigns.

Discussed below are a few benefits of CRM integration with your existing systems:

What are a few types of CRM integrations?

There are several types of CRM integrations, including marketing automation integrations, social media integrations, e-commerce integrations and website integrations.

Website Integration

CRM integration with your website allows you to track customer behaviour and interactions and capture leads from your site.

Let’s say you’re using Zoho CRM for this section, the built-in feature allows you to create website forms for your website and will be embedded.

When a visitor fills out the form, their information is automatically added to your CRM as a new lead.

Having specific questions about budget, and interests will let you know more about the prospect so that you can personalise your approach.

Social Media Integration

This lets you track customer interactions and conversations, and use this data to alter your marketing and sales strategies.

Zoho Social, for example, lets you track customer interactions across many social media platforms.

This can include tracking mentions, and analysing engagement metrics to promote your business.

You can even integrate tools like Hootsuite and Buffer with Zoho CRM for your social media integration.

If you didn’t know these tools, they allow you to track and schedule your social media platforms on a single platform.

Email Marketing

This lets track interactions and performance metrics to help you personalise your communications and marketing strategies.

For example, Zoho has a feature called Zoho Campaigns integration. 

With that, you can create and send email data to your customer database, and track open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and much more.

You can also integrate your email marketing tracking tools like Mailchimp or Constant Contact with your CRM. 

Marketing Automation

One way to integrate your marketing automation platform with a CRM is to use the Zoho MarketingHub integration.

To integrate your marketing automation platform with Zoho CRM, use marketing automation tools like HubSpot or Marketo.

You can also use data from multiple platforms to segment your customer database and deliver targeted messaging to specific customer segments.

Build stronger relationships with your customers and in turn drive business growth.

E-Commerce Integrations

An e-commerce CRM integration is when a CRM system is integrated with an e-commerce platform. This integration allows businesses to track customer orders and purchase history, as well as provide personalized product recommendations based on previous purchases.

For example, if a customer purchases a pair of shoes from your shopify business, the integration would automatically update the customer’s purchase history in the CRM system. The CRM system could then use this information to suggest other products that the customer may be interested in, based on their past purchases.

When it comes to choosing the best CRM for a Shopify business, it’s important to consider e-commerce CRM integration. Some popular options for e-commerce CRM integration with Shopify include HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho. These platforms offer features such as customer tracking, personalized marketing campaigns, and sales automation that can help businesses improve customer relationships and drive sales. Ultimately, the best CRM for Shopify business will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business, as well as the resources and budget available.

This type of integration can help businesses improve customer retention and increase sales by providing more personalized and targeted marketing and sales efforts.

Sales Automation Integration

One way to integrate your sales automation platform with Zoho CRM is to use the Zoho SalesIQ integration.

With Zoho SalesIQ, you can automate your lead capture and qualification processes, and track customer interactions on your website.

You can also integrate with sales automation tools like Salesforce or HubSpot Sales Hub.

For this, you’ll need to connect your sales automation platform to Zoho SalesIQ or another sales automation tool.

How does CRM integration work?

CRM integration works by connecting different software systems to share data and functionality. This allows businesses to streamline their operations and improve their customer relationships by providing a more complete view of their customers.

For example, an e-commerce platform can be integrated with a CRM system, allowing customer orders and purchase history to be automatically updated in the CRM system. This information can then be used to provide personalized product recommendations or targeted marketing campaigns.

Similarly, a social media platform can be integrated with a CRM system to track and engage with customers on social media channels. This can help businesses respond to customer inquiries and complaints more quickly and effectively.

Data Migration and Syncing

Ensure that the data across all systems are accurate and up-to-date.

First, you would have to map customer data, such as name, email, and shipping address, along with order information, such as order number, item details, and order status.

So, if a customer updates their contact information on your website, the changes should be automatically synced with your CRM.

Once you’ve identified the fields, define the datatype and the format in which data will be transferred along the system.

Data mapping can be done manually, but to save time and effort, get the assistance of data mapping software.

Make sure to have a backup to avoid any sort of data loss or corruption.

API Integration

Using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allows software applications to communicate with each other through protocols, routines, and tools.

It’s like a language that different programs use to talk to one another and share information.

Here’s how it works: Let’s say someone visits your website and fills out a form to download a white paper.

The information they provide on the form is sent to your marketing automation platform via an API.

The marketing automation platform then uses the information the person provided on the form to create a new lead record in your CRM system.

But keep in mind, some CRM systems may not offer robust APIs or may need extra development work and maintenance for complete integration and proper functioning with other systems.

Middleware Integration

The third step is to connect different systems using a third-party software application.

By serving as a link between many systems, middleware enables data to be transmitted even when the systems use various protocols or data formats.

By the way, APIs allow direct communication between systems, while middleware serves as a bridge between systems using different protocols or formats.

When it comes to CRM integration, middleware can provide many extra capabilities to assist in the accurate and secure transfer of data.

Middleware, for example, can execute data transformation, or convert data from one format to another, making it easier for many systems to interpret and use.

It can also handle routing, indicating that it can direct data from one system to another while ensuring that it arrives at the correct destination.

Custom Integration

Custom integration involves developing custom code to connect your CRM system with other systems.

This method is useful when your CRM system does not provide an API or when you must specialise integration that cannot be done using other methods.

This requires programming skills and can take more time than other types.

But it allows for great flexibility and control over custom integration to automate workflows. So, that’s one huge advantage.

For CRM integration, custom integration connects your CRM system with other systems such as your accounting software, inventory management system, or any other custom-built applications.

Steps to a successful CRM integration

Integrating a CRM system with other business applications can provide many benefits, such as improved customer relationships, streamlined operations, and increased sales. However, a successful CRM integration requires careful planning and execution. In this context, businesses should follow certain steps to ensure a successful CRM integration. These steps include defining clear goals and objectives, choosing the right CRM system and integration platform, ensuring data consistency and accuracy, developing a data management strategy, training the team on how to use the integrated system effectively, monitoring and measuring the success of the integration, and regularly reviewing and updating the integration strategy.

Identifying Business Needs

Identifying business needs is critical to the success of any organisation.

To accelerate the process, you need to analyse the current situation using data, define business objectives, analyse using a variety of methods, and prioritise needs.

Selecting the Right CRM Software

Selecting a suitable CRM for your business can be overwhelming.

Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and customer security of your business to fasten the process of choosing the best.

Identify your current pain points and challenge to improve customer experience with your business.

Read our blog about choosing a crm for small business to know more about how to choose the right CRM

Choosing the Best Integration Method

Decide particular necessities and demands while selecting the most suitable integration method for your business.

Understanding the scalability of your business, and evaluating your existing system can help you avoid any compatibility issues down the line.

Data Migration and Clean-up

Identify the data you want to migrate or clean up. It enables you to identify any potential challenges and understand the scope of your project.

Testing and Validation

By following this, you can create a strategy for testing that aligns with your business objectives.

Make sure to have a plan that covers the testing schedule, integration scenarios, and required documentation or reporting. 

Common challenges of CRM integration

While integrating a CRM system with other business applications can provide many benefits, it can also come with some common challenges. These challenges can make the integration process difficult and time-consuming, and can even lead to negative impacts on the business if not handled properly. In this context, businesses should be aware of these common challenges and develop strategies to address them. Some common challenges of CRM integration include ensuring data consistency and accuracy between systems, choosing the right CRM system and integration platform, managing duplicates, incomplete data, and data conflicts, training the team on how to use the integrated system effectively, and monitoring and measuring the success of the integration. By addressing these challenges, businesses can ensure a successful CRM integration that drives business growth and improves customer relationships.

Data Inconsistency and Duplication

Integrating new CRM software into your business and adjusting it according to your existing one is a long process.

Therefore it is important to take a proactive approach to tackle data inconsistency and duplication.

Ensure the integrity of your CRM data by implementing ongoing data quality management processes.

Integration Errors and Failures

Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the reaction to the error that is important.

Identify the errors by monitoring your integration logs and conducting regular testing and validation.

Keep your CRM integration reliable by adopting a proactive strategy and establishing rigorous maintenance protocols.

Lack of User Adoption

There are various reasons why you may be hesitant to adopt new CRM integration.

It could be reasons such as resistance to change, lack of understanding, and much more.

Implement strategies to tackle user adoption by involving the users in the process and providing them with the necessary training and support.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Data breaches, unauthorized access, data control, data ownership, and much more can attack your software, affecting your entire system.

Working with a reliable CRM integration provider who values security and has a proven history of safeguarding data is your best option.

Best Practices for CRM Integration

  • Define clear goals and objectives for the integration
  • Choose the right CRM system and integration platform for your business needs
  • Ensure data consistency and accuracy between systems
  • Develop a data management strategy to handle duplicates, incomplete data, and data conflicts
  • Train your team on how to use the integrated system effectively
  • Monitor and measure the success of the integration to identify areas for improvement
  • Regularly review and update your integration strategy to ensure it continues to meet your business needs.

By following these best practices, businesses can ensure a successful CRM integration that improves customer relationships, streamlines operations, and drives business growth.


Stay competitive in today’s business landscape by not ignoring the benefits of CRM integration.

Streamline your operations, gain valuable insights, and improve your customer relationships by integrating your CRM software with various platforms and tools.

With the right strategy in place, you can also boost your productivity, and customer experience with personalised treatment to improve your fanbase.

And no matter how big or small your business is, Zoho CRM offers a comprehensive solution that can help you achieve your business goals.

With its range of integration options, you can connect your Zoho CRM with your website, social media, email, marketing automation, and sales automation tools.

If you’re still waiting, Don’t.

Techworks Talent, an official Zoho implementation partner, is a pioneer regardless of which industry you’re in. 

So, adopt Zoho CRM integration with Techworks Talent and take your business to a better position.

Contact Us now. Which industry are you in? Let us know in the comments.

Frequently Asked Questions About CRM Integration:

What is CRM integration and why is it important?

CRM integration refers to the process of connecting a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with other software applications or platforms, such as email marketing tools, e-commerce platforms, or social media platforms. It enables seamless data flow between different systems, allowing businesses to have a unified view of customer information and interactions. CRM integration is important because it improves efficiency, enhances data accuracy, enables personalised customer experiences, and streamlines business processes.

Which systems can be integrated with a CRM?

A CRM system can be integrated with various other systems to enhance its functionality and provide a comprehensive view of customer data. Some common systems that can be integrated with a CRM include:

  • Email marketing tools (e.g., MailChimp, Constant Contact)
  • E-commerce platforms (e.g., Shopify, Magento)
  • Customer support systems (e.g., Zendesk, Freshdesk)
  • Accounting software (e.g., QuickBooks, Xero)
  • Marketing automation tools (e.g., HubSpot, Marketo)
  • Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
  • Business intelligence tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)

How does CRM integration benefit businesses?

CRM integration offers several benefits to businesses, including:

Centralised customer data: Integration allows businesses to consolidate customer information from various systems into a single CRM database, providing a 360-degree view of customer interactions and preferences.

Improved efficiency: Integration eliminates manual data entry and reduces duplicate efforts, saving time and effort for employees.

Enhanced customer experience: Integrated systems enable businesses to provide personalised experiences by leveraging customer data across multiple touchpoints, resulting in better customer engagement and satisfaction.

Streamlined processes: Integration automates data synchronisation and workflows, enabling seamless information flow between systems and reducing manual errors.

Data-driven insights: Integration facilitates the analysis of comprehensive data from multiple systems, empowering businesses to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions.

What challenges can arise during CRM integration?

CRM integration, although beneficial, can present certain challenges. Some common challenges include:

Data compatibility: Different systems may use different data formats or structures, requiring data mapping and transformation for successful integration.

Integration complexity: Integrating multiple systems can be complex, requiring technical expertise and careful planning.

Data security and privacy: Integration involves sharing data between systems, which necessitates ensuring data security and compliance with privacy regulations.

System scalability: As a business grows and adds more systems, integrating new applications with the CRM can become challenging due to compatibility and scalability issues.

User adoption: Employees may need training and support to effectively use integrated systems, ensuring smooth adoption and utilisation.

How can CRM integration be implemented?

CRM integration can be implemented through various methods, depending on the systems involved and the desired outcomes. Some common approaches include:

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Many software applications provide APIs that allow data to be exchanged between systems. APIs enable real-time data synchronisation and facilitate seamless integration.

Middleware platforms: Middleware platforms act as intermediaries between systems, facilitating data transfer and integration. These platforms often provide pre-built connectors and integration templates for popular CRM and third-party applications.

Custom development: In some cases, custom development may be required to build integration solutions tailored to specific business needs. This approach offers flexibility but may require more time and resources.

Third-party integration tools: There are numerous integration tools available in the market that specialise in connecting various systems, simplifying the integration process. These tools often provide drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built connectors for popular applications.

When implementing CRM integration, it is advisable to involve technical experts or consult with integration specialists to ensure a smooth and successful integration process.

How does CRM Integration help with customer retention?

80% of the customers will likely buy again from you if you personalise their experience.

CRM integration lets you gain a better understanding of your customers and their needs to help you retain them.

Is CRM Integration expensive?

The cost of CRM integration depends on several factors such as the organisation’s size, the integration’s complexity, and the type of CRM system used. Custom integration can be expensive, while ongoing maintenance costs should also be considered. 

Despite this, integrating CRM with other systems and applications can lead to improved productivity and customer satisfaction.

How can I measure the ROI of CRM Integration?

Measuring the ROI of CRM integration involves defining KPIs, establishing a baseline, calculating costs, and tracking the impact of integration on KPIs. It’s important to consider both tangible and intangible benefits.

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