best crm for gyms

Best CRM for Gyms – Exclusive Selection Checklists to Success

If you’re running a gym or fitness studio, you know how important it is to keep track of your members, their preferences, and their progress. That’s where a customer relationship management (CRM) system comes in. A CRM can help you manage customer data, track sales, and automate marketing campaigns. However, with so many CRMs on the market, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your gym. In this blog post, we’ll provide an exclusive selection checklist to help you find the best CRM for gyms and set your business up for success.

Running a fitness studio is like performing a 300kg deadlift. You need to give your everything to lift your business to heights.

And managing client information could feel like the final rep of the final, set every single time.

It is exhausting.

You don’t want to provide terrible service to your clients and lose one or a few of them to exhaust yourself further.

They’re precious as the Leg Press Machine on a Friday.

And this depends highly on your front-desk personnel.

But Are They Well-Equipped to Do Their Work Effectively?

If you’re reading this, probably not.

They need a CRM that has the strength and endurance to handle your client information.

But how to choose them?

Don’t worry, you’re under the right spotter.

This blog gives you two checklists on how to choose and implement a CRM, the best practices, and mistakes to avoid.

So stay tuned till the end.

It’s Completely Fine if You Don’t Know What a CRM is

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system lets you manage memberships and scheduling, client interactions, manage billing and payments, etc.

This allows you to handle client requests better and give them good customer support to retain them.

For anything that’s client related, all you have to do is reach your CRM software. It’s a one-platform solution.

A CRM simplifies the workload by allowing you to rank tasks, and schedule reminders and follow-ups. Never miss a task or appointment again.

This makes the front-desk area more welcoming.

A good CRM determines the gains of your business. It improves member retention and drives business growth.

But implementing a CRM isn’t that easy as well. 

You need a near-perfect plan to extract your needs from it.

Let’s look at it now.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a CRM for Gym

Choosing the right customer relationship management (CRM) software can help your fitness studio efficiently manage client data, streamline communication, and improve overall customer experience. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to determine which CRM is the best fit for your business needs. Explore some key factors to consider before choosing a CRM for your fitness studio.

Know Your Goals

You do know how frustrating it is when a skinny fat client isn’t sure if his goal is to bulk or cut.

It’s the same case for you with a CRM. You need to know the goals of your business first.

If you buy one without knowing your needs, you get a CRM that doesn’t fit your business which will affect your growth.

It directly impacts crucial aspects such as customer retention, increasing clients, or simplifying operations.

Once you have your goals clear, you can choose the right CRM that fits your goals.

Figure out which must-have features such as:

  • Contact management
  • Sales pipeline visualization
  • Visual dashboards & reporting
  • Sales automation

The one that is specific to your business and has the potential to grow it. 

Here’s a list of questions you need to have an answer to.

Determine your Budget

Buying a CRM can be a challenging decision.

You wouldn’t want to get one thinking your front-desk personnel can do it all and that’s why you pay him.

It doesn’t work like that.

Their productivity increases by 10X with a CRM in place.

And it’s also not about getting the cheapest one because CRMs are expensive and choosing the cheapest one may not be the right fit for your fitness studio.

So spare a good amount of money and think of this as an investment for your business.

When implementing a CRM system, keep in mind all costs, such as software licenses, hardware, training, and ongoing maintenance. 

Here’s a list of questions you need to have an answer to.

Choosing the Right CRM for Gyms

Here are a few of the leading providers of CRM in the market – Zoho, Salesforce, Hubspot, Agile, etc.

We have a full guide on how to choose your CRM and compared the top 7 CRM providers. You can have a look at it.

But you also need to know if the provider has experience working with fitness studios before. 

As every industry and every business is unique, it’s a risk to choose a provider who doesn’t have experience in your industry.

Check the level of customer service and support and GDPR compliance.

Good customer service is required when you face a problem with your systems and also for initial training. 

You also need GDPR compliance because your data needs to be protected from online thieves.

Here’s a list of questions you need to have an answer to.

Plan Your Operations

Having an end-to-end flow of how your processes look is a must.

You need to identify current process flows so that you can analyze how a CRM help makes it work better.

This helps you build a custom-made CRM for your business to make the most out of it.

know which employees will work and get them adapted to the change.

Because some people just don’t wanna change, you see.

Here’s a list of questions you need to have an answer to.

Get All Your Data Ready

Collect all your client data and have it ready to be fed into the CRM.

Identify the sources of these data and whether or not it’s up-to-date.

Make sure the data quality is consistent across the system to avoid confusion and slowing down in processes.

This is the first and the last step to your freedom from unorganized data.

once you do this, you are ready to be equipped with a CRM for your fitness studio.

Here’s a list of questions you need to have an answer to.

Things to Follow as You Implement Your CRM for gym

Implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help your business manage customer interactions, track sales, and improve overall productivity. However, implementing a CRM can also be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. To help ensure a successful implementation, it’s important to follow certain best practices and guidelines. We’ll explore some key things to keep in mind as you implement your CRM.

Customise Your CRM for Software

Once you’ve chosen your CRM, it is now time to customize it.

Like how a single diet or a workout plan doesn’t suit everyone, it’s the same principle.

In this step, you will ensure that the CRM aligns with your fitness studio goals and processes.

Customize fields, modules, workflows and reports to make them easy to work on.

This allows you to easily perform tasks such as managing memberships, tracking client interactions, etc.

Train Your Employees

You need to train your front-desk employee on how to use the system.

Sometimes they might be resistant to change, but it’s important to make them understand how it makes their job easier.

A good CRM consultant for example Techworks Talent would provide initial and ongoing corporate training and support on how to use Zoho CRM.

This will allow your front-desk employee to effectively use the system to its fullest capability.

After all, you need better customer satisfaction and business growth, right?

Executing Data Migration

This is one of the critical steps that need to be handled with care.

Transfer all client data from the previous system to the new one.

Make sure everything is done carefully and accurately by planning, testing and verifying to avoid data loss.

In the end, make sure to check that client data is up-to-date and accessible for quality service.

Testing Your CRM

Before launching and putting your CRM into play, it is crucial to test it.

You don’t want your CRM to go insane when you need it the most.

So, make sure it meets all your fitness studio needs and works as intended.

You can do this by testing all its features and functionalities to see if there are any issues or bugs that need fixing.

Doing this in real-life scenarios is a best practice to carry out while testing.

Setup Security Protocols

You are accountable for your client’s data.

There are so many data thefts happening online and you need to keep your system free from security weaklings.

You need to set up access control, data encryption and backups to secure your client data from unauthorized access.

And this increases your credibility and reputation with your clients.

Integration With Other Systems

You might have accounting software, social media marketing software, or anything for that matter.

You need to integrate your CRM with them.

This will allow them to work like gym bros.

With 360-degree views of your customer interactions, marketing campaigns, and finances, you can make wiser business decisions.

This reduces manual effort and allows you to focus more on better service by focusing more on making informed decisions.

Once crm integration is done, your CRM is all set to be launched.

Things to Follow After Implementing Your CRM

Implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help your business manage customer interactions, track sales, and improve overall productivity. However, implementing a CRM can also be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. To help ensure a successful implementation, it’s important to follow certain best practices and guidelines. Here are some key things to keep in mind as you implement your CRM.

Monitor Performance and Make Changes When Needed

To get the best outcome out of a CRM, it is essential to monitor user adoption and engagement.

Just like how we track our calories and optimize them according to our weight every week…

This will allow you to track progress and lets you meet your gym’s client management needs faster.

So, that includes, whenever needed you need to add new features, streamline processes, and do anything that’s needed.

This will boost client relationships and business success.

Automation and Workflow Implementation

Doing this will save you time by automating repetitive tasks and simplifying operations.

For example, you can automate appointment reminders, follow-ups, etc. to provide personalized service to your clients

Workflow allows your front-desk employee to follow an organised work routine, no matter who works based on shifts.

This gives you the time to focus on other important activities of your business.

Analyse and Report On Data

This is a speciality ability of a CRM and you need to make the most out of this feature.

By doing this you can gain valuable insights into client behaviour, preferences and trends.

You can use this to target your marketing campaigns and personalize client interactions.

You can also identify where your fitness studio lacks in terms of improvement.

Adjustments According to Feedback

Feedback from your front-desk staff is to be well received.

This is your staff telling ways to improve your fitness studio’s success.

You need to grab it with both hands.

By doing this, you can address the pain points of your front-desk staff to improve their performance.

This can help you identify any shortcomings in your CRM system and implement solutions tailored to your gym’s needs.

Here are a few best practices for successful implementation

  • Focus on the clients: Providing personalized experiences that keep your clients returning is the key to a successful CRM strategy.
  • Keep data accurate and up-to-date: Ensure that your client data is accurate and recent helping provide better service.

Use analytics to make data-driven decisions: Use analytics to gain insights into client behaviour, preferences, and trends to help you grow your business.

Align sales and marketing efforts: Integrate sales and marketing efforts to help you generate more leads and increase conversions.

Encourage cross-functional collaboration: Make sure different teams work together toward the same goal in order to build a customer-centric culture.

Leverage automation and artificial intelligence: Automate repetitive tasks and use AI to enhance customer interactions helping you save time and improve customer experiences.

Also, Below Is a List of Mistakes You Should Avoid at All Costs

Not having clear goals: Unclear goals will negatively impact your CRM purchase and will let you choose the wrong CRM for your business.

Choosing the wrong CRM software: Choosing a CRM whose features, terms and expertise don’t suit your fitness studio will negatively impact your fitness studio and is a huge waste of time and money.

Ignoring user training: Proper user training will let you equip your front-desk personnel with adequate knowledge and resources to avoid costly mistakes.

Poor quality data: Your CRM data is only useful if it’s accurate and up-to-date. So avoid disorganized data inputs, or old data in the system to avoid confusion.

Failing to interact with other systems: Linking your CRM software with other systems can help in the automation of tasks and the collection of useful insights. This will benefit you to boost overall efficiency and productivity.

Forgetting the value of user adoption: Even the best CRM software is useless if no one uses it. Encourage user adoption by emphasizing the benefits and providing ongoing support.

To Conclude

Your fitness studio needs a CRM to excel.

And we have provided checklists that you should follow in every stage of the CRM purchase.

  • The initial checklist helps you choose your CRM based on your requirements.
  • The Implementation checklist has a list of things to follow during your implementation.
  • The last checklist will help you make the most out of it.

Zoho is leading the CRM market by a huge distance.

With advanced features and customization options, it could easily be the one that you’re looking for.

And you don’t even have to worry too much about their training and customer support when you buy your Zoho CRM with Techworks Talent.

Techworks Talent is a zoho implementation partner that make your Zoho CRM implementation smoother.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your fitness studio reach its dream physique.


What is CRM, and why is it important?
A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system lets you manage memberships and scheduling, client interactions, manage billing and payments, etc. 

What are the benefits of using a CRM system?

This allows you to handle client requests better and give them good customer support to retain them.

How do I choose the right CRM software?

  • Know your Goals.
  • Determine your Budget.
  • Choosing the Right Software.
  • Plan your Operations.
  • Get all your data ready.

What is involved in the implementation process?

  • Customise your CRM software.
  • Train your employees.
  • Executing Data Migration.
  • Testing your CRM.
  • Setup Security Protocols.
  • Integration with other systems.

What are the best practices for using a CRM system?

  • Focus on the clients.
  • Keep data accurate and up-to-date.
  • Use analytics to make data-driven decisions.
  • Align sales and marketing efforts.
  • Encourage cross-functional collaboration.
  • Leverage automation and artificial intelligence.

What are the common mistakes to avoid?

  • Not having clear goals.
  • Choosing the wrong CRM software.
  • Ignoring user training.
  • Poor quality data.
  • Failing to interact with other systems.
  • Forgetting the value of user adoption. 

How do I ensure user adoption and engagement?

Encourage user adoption by emphasising the benefits and providing ongoing support.

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